
Riding the Technology Disruption Wave in Africa

Thu, 22 Nov 2018 18:00:00 GMT+08 ~ Thu, 22 Nov 2018 21:00:00 GMT+08
Startup Grind 北京


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    Startup Grind Beijing presents





    非洲拥有世界上最年轻的人口 —— 他们如何利用这优势进行科技创新? 而这其中又潜在什么样的机遇?

    “If you want to go quickly, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.”

    (African proverb)




    "Today, more than ever, African countries are seeking out new opportunities for growth to move beyond business as usual. With a young, ambitious population, steadily growing economies, and pro-innovation investments and reforms, Africa has the people, resources and political will to overcome challenges and drive its own transformation."

    (Makhtar Diop, Vice President for Africa, 

    World Bank Group)

    “今日的非洲史无前例地在寻求新的增长机会努力超越以往的业务。非洲拥有年轻励志的人口、稳步增长的经济和支持创新的投资和改革 —— 这个国土拥有必要的人才,资源和政治意愿足以克服挑战并驱使转化。”



    Africa is embracing technological disruption in an unprecedented way that sets it apart from other continents.

    Join us for an evening where we explore what is happening in the technology innovation space in Africa in a social impact perspective. We'll be talking about why Africa is considered the 'next big thing' from an innovation perspective and share the stories of some high impact social innovation startups that are transforming the continent. These stories will demonstrate the ingenuity of African people from all walks of life who are affecting change in their communities through mobilizing technology as an enabler, creating new lines of business and employment opportunities.

    Hannah Wanjie Ryder is the CEO of Development Reimagined, China Representative of ChinaAfrica Advisory and Senior Partner for the Made in Africa Initiative and will be here in Beijing to take us on this journey. She will also be joined by Lina Ayenew - Founder of EduTech Social Enterprise: Education for Ethiopia, who will share her entrepreneurial journey.

    This event is for anyone and everyone who is interested in learning about and being part of the digital revolution happening in Africa!


    11月22日,加入我们的战队和我们一起从社会影响的角度探讨非洲科技创新领域。我们将深入探讨为什么非洲被认为是创新领域的 “下一件大事”,并分享一些目前对非洲有着重要影响的社会创新创业企业。

    这些故事将介绍来自各行各业的杰出非洲同胞如何以不同方式促使社会发展 —— 无论是创造新的业务和就业机会,或者是运用科技为推动者。

    Hannah Wanjie Ryder (芮婉洁) 在 Development Reimagined 担任执行总裁一职。 DR是肯尼亚第一个在北京的外商独资企业。她也是中国非洲顾问公司 (ChinaAfrica Advisory) 的中国代表和“非洲制造”倡议 (Made in Africa Initiative) 的资深合伙人。

    教育科技社会企业: 埃塞俄比亚教育 Education for Ethiopia 的创始人 Lina Ayenew 也将一起分享她的创业历程。




    18:00 Registration and Food & Beverages 签到、享用食物和饮品

    19:00 Introduction to Startup Grind 介绍创业磨坊 

    19:15 Introduction Education for Ethiopia (E4E) by Founder Lina Getachew Ayenew 

    Lina Getachew Ayenew为她创办的埃塞俄比亚教育 (Education for Ethiopia - E4E) 进行介绍

    19:30 Introduction Development Reimangined by Hannah Wanjie Ryder 

    Hannah Wanjie Ryder 介绍 Development Reimangined


    Panel Discussion and Q&A with Lina, Hannah & Miatta


    20:15 Networking 社交

    21:00 End of Event 活动结束 

    Date: November 22nd (Thursday)

    日期: 11月22日(星期四)

    Time/时间:18:00 - 21:00

    Venue: No.6 Innoway B1, 48 Haidian West Street, Haidian District, Beijing


    Language: The event is held in English with Live Audio Streaming (no Chinese Translation) by Akkadu

    Press the QR-Code to get directions to the venue


    About the Speakers



          CEO of Development Reimagined

    Development Reimangined执行总裁

    Due to unforeseen circumstances Dr. Sumarie Roodt will not make this ACT SI on Nov 22, but she will join this event series in the New Year. We are excited to announce that Hannah Ryder, CEO of Development Reimagined, will now join us, as we continue to "Ride the Technology Disruption Wave in Africa".

    Hannah Wanjie Ryder is the CEO of Development Reimagined, the first Kenyan wholly foreign owned enterprise in Beijing. She is also China Representative of ChinaAfrica Advisory and Senior Partner for the Made in Africa Initiative.


    Hannah is a former Kenyan and British diplomat and economist by training with over 15 years of experience. Over this period, Hannah spent 2 years leading a 20-plus UN team supporting Chinese foreign aid and cooperation; 6 years bolstering effective appraisal, design and evaluation of global development cooperation – including as UK Team Leader for the Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation (GPEDC), another 2 years designing/evaluating UK aid private sector programmes in Ethiopia, Nigeria, Indonesia and Korea – and also as chair of an OECD DAC Task Force for 2 years; 6 years as a climate change negotiator including devising and managing the UK contribution to the World Bank Climate Investment Funds (CIFs); and she was also a co-author of the Stern Review of the Economics of Climate Change.


    Hannah is the recipient of numerous awards for her leadership in China and Africa and her contributions to gender/race diversity and is regularly invited to write for and appear on outlets such as Project Syndicate, the Guardian, CGTN and more.  She is fluent in English, proficient in elementary Chinese, French and Swahili.

    由于无法预料的情况,Sumarie Roodt博士将缺席11月22日的活动,请大家期待她在未来的日子里参与我们这一系列活动的续集。与此同时,我们很高兴地宣布 Hannah Ryder,Development Reimagined的执行总裁参与。

    Hannah Wanjie Ryder (芮婉洁) 在 Development Reimagined 担任执行总裁一职。 DR是肯尼亚第一个在北京的外商独资企业。她也是中国非洲顾问公司 (ChinaAfrica Advisory) 的中国代表和“非洲制造”倡议 (Made in Africa Initiative) 的资深合伙人。

    芮婉洁是前肯尼亚和英国外交官,也是个拥有15年阅历的经济学家。在此期间,汉娜花了2年时间带领20多个联合国小组支持中国对外援助与合作工作;6年在全球发展合作上支持有效评估、设计和评测——包括担任国际伙伴关系之有效发展合作 (Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation - GPEDC) 中的英国团队领导一职。她也曾经花2年在埃塞俄比亚、尼日利亚、印度尼西亚和南韩策划和评估英国私人援助项目。她也曾花6年制定和管理英国对世界银行气候投资基金 (World Bank Climate Investment Funds - CIFs) 的贡献;她也是《斯特恩气候变化经济学评论》(Stern Review of the Economics of Climate Change) 的合著者。

    芮婉洁为她中国和非洲的领导指责和在性别以及多元化种族做出的贡献而频频获奖,她还经常受邀为Project Syndicate、The Guardian、CGTN等媒体撰稿并发表文章。她英语流利,精通初级汉语、法语和斯瓦希里语。


    Founder & CEO, Education for Ethiopia

    埃塞俄比亚教育 创始人兼总裁

    Lina is an author and social entrepreneur from Ethiopia, who wrote the first (and only) book that teaches Mandarin Chinese to Amharic speakers - Amharic is the official language of Ethiopia which has a population of 100 million.

    She is a recent founder of Education for Ethiopia, a social enterprise currently collaborating with Khan Academy to create educational content in Ethiopia's local languages.

    Lina is also an established writer who has been chronicling the most important events between China and Africa in her annual publication, "Mega-Themes in Africa-China Relations" which has been used as a reference for ambassadors, researchers and students and can be accessed at www.dalu-insights.com.

    Lina's journey to China began when she served as an adjunct professor at the prestigious Xiangya Medical School through the Yale-China Fellowship. Following a corporate stint in Beijing, she began her efforts to closely study the influence of the Asian giant in her homeland, Ethiopia. She has also worked with the Ethiopian Tourism Organisation (a government entity) to define Ethiopia's tourism branding so as to facilitate promotion in China.

    Lina is also a member of the Board of Trustees of the Yale-China Association which was founded in 1901 by Yale graduates to foster long-term relations concerning education, health and cultural understanding and improvement between China and the United States.

    She is an Amharic and English native speaker - also fluent in French and highly proficient in Mandarin and Spanish.

    Lina received her undergrad and graduate degree from Yale University and currently resides in Beijing with her husband and daughter.

    Lina 是一位来自埃塞俄比亚的作家和社会企业家,她撰写了第一和唯一一本为阿姆哈拉 (Amharic) 语使用者教授普通话的书。阿姆哈拉语是拥有1亿人口的埃塞俄比亚的官方语言。

    她最近创办了埃塞俄比亚教育 (Education for Ethiopia)这家社会企业。目前他们与可汗学院 (Khan Academy)合作一同以埃塞俄比亚当地语言制作教育内容。

    Lina 也是一位知名作家 —— 她在自己出版的年度刊物《非中关系的大课题》(Mega-Themes in Africa-China Relations) 中记录了中非之间各类大事件。这本书被用作众大使、研究人员和学生的参考资料。在 www.dalu-insights.com 可存取。

    Lina 是通过耶鲁-中国奖学金 (Yale-China Fellowship)在著名的中南大学湘雅医学院任职副教授而开始了她的中国之旅。任职于北京的一家企业之后,她开始发奋深入研究中国对她的家乡埃塞俄比亚产生的影响。她还与政府机构埃塞俄比亚旅游组织(Ethiopian Tourism Organisation) 合作以定义埃塞俄比亚对外的旅游业形象,以促进面向中国的推广。

    Lina也是耶鲁-中国协会 (Yale-China Association) 的董事会成员。该协会由耶鲁大学校友于1901年成立,宗旨是促进中美两国在教育、健康和文化共识方面的长期关系。



    About the Host



    Co-Founder of Kente & Silk

    肯带丝 联合创始人

    Miatta is a Business Development Manager of Kente & Silk with over 10 years of professional experience in Europe & China.

    Miatta是肯带丝 (Kente & Silk) 的业务发展经理,在欧洲和中国有超过10年的职业经验。

    Kente & Silk has the overall aim to change the status quo of Africa-China relations by increasing African agency. Kente & Silk creates events aimed at creating cultural connections and awareness about African communities (e.g. African Week and Africa China Tech for Social Impact - ACT SI), and serves as 'boots on the ground' for African Entrepreneurs who wish to engage Chinese partners or to tap into China’s consumer market through market scoping, investment facilitation, partnership development and product distribution services.

    肯带丝的总体目标是通过增强于巩固非洲势力来改变非中关系的现状。肯带丝举办活动的宗旨在于创造文化关系和对非洲社群的认知 —— 如 “非洲周” (Africa Week) 和 “非中科技产生的社会影响” (Africa China Tech for Social Impact) - ACT SI)。此企业把自己的比喻成草根战队,帮助想与中国人合作的非洲企业家,或帮助他们通过市场调查、投资便利化、合作开发和产品销售服务来打入中国消费市场。

    About Startup Grind


    创业磨坊是一个教育、启发并连接企业家的全球性独立创业社区。通过举办活动、媒体传播以及与Google for Entrepreneurs等组织的合作,我们在全球120个国家、超过400个城市推动当地创业生态系统的进一步完善,为1500000位创业者提供帮助。

    Startup Grind is the largest independent startup community, actively educating, inspiring, and connecting 1,500,000 entrepreneurs in over 400 cities in 120 countries. We nurture startup ecosystems through events, media, and partnerships with organizations like Google for Entrepreneurs.

    每个月我们都会邀请到北京具有影响力的企业创始人、创新者、教育者以及投资人来参加我们的活动,和大家分享他们的个人故事以及他们在创业道路上所得到的经验和教训。从2010在硅谷创立,Startup Grind已经成功帮助数以百万计的创业家与导师、合作伙伴、新雇员建立联系,找到投资资金和新用户。

    The cornerstone of our community are the monthly events featuring successful local founders, innovators, educators and investors who share lessons learned on the road to building great companies. Founded in Silicon Valley in 2010, Startup Grind has helped millions of entrepreneurs find mentorship, connect to partners and hires, pursue funding, and reach new users.

    对于来自Google for Entrepreneurs的全球性支持我们感到很自豪和骄傲,我们也很感谢我们所有在本土的媒体合作伙伴、场地支持伙伴、食品饮品支持伙伴对我们一直以来的支持和帮助。如果你对成为我们的支持伙伴有兴趣,请联系我们!

    Our Team


    Our events are powered by a team of volunteers, each with a day job, and with the passion to create a stronger entrepreneurship community in Beijing. Please don't hesitate to reach out to anyone if you have any questions!



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    Startup Grind 北京

    Startup Grind 北京

    Startup Grind is the world’s largest community of startups, founders, innovators, and creators. Reaching over 3.5 million individuals worldwide. Startup Grind 是世界上最大的初创公司、创始人、创新者和创造者社区,已覆盖全球超过 350 万人。

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