
【人工智能+】会有什么机遇?| 以色列AI x 大湾区医疗企业家访谈 | Startup Grind七月活动

Sat, 06 Jul 2019 19:00:00 GMT+08 ~ Sat, 06 Jul 2019 22:00:00 GMT+08
Startup Grind创业磨坊广州


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    关于嘉宾 | About The Guest



    Brian Hirsh is an American entrepreneur who is focused on using technology to improve the way that we live our lives. As CEO of Brightwood, he is leading the development of a machine learning IoT platform. He has been working in IoT for over 5 years. He started his career at Revolv before it was acquired by Google. While at Fantem Inc. he helped create the most successful smart home crowdfunding campaign which raised $1.8 million in 2015.

    Brian是一位美国科技企业家,专注于使用技术的力量提高人们的生活素质。作为Brightwood的首席执行官,具备超过5年的物联网行业经验,他领导着物联网机器学习平台的开发,他曾加入Google的AI 开发团队,后来在2015年,任职Fantem公司期间,他帮助最成功的智能家居众筹超过180万美元。

    Joe Zhou 周振忠 (Cyclare)

    Joe Zhou 周振忠


    Joe was educated in the US and worked in the IT industry there for 10 years before returning to China. In 2004, he founded Cyclare Technologies, a digital healthcare company. After building Cyclare, he went on to found educational comapny see2know.com in 2012.

    Joe Zhou is founder and CEO of Cyclare Technologies and a serial entrepreneur. He's been in the tech industry for over 20 years, working with both large firms and startups, both in the US and in China. Mr. Zhou was educated in the US and worked in the IT industry there for 10 years before returning to China. In 2004, he founded Cyclare and grew the company to become a leading healthcare software provider. Now that Cyclare has become a mature company, he's turned back to startups. In 2012 he started social educational company www.see2know.com. Recently he's continued to work on new projects in the mobile and online space. Join us for a chat to hear what he's learned building companies in Guangzhou, and what's next for him in the startup space. 

    周振忠先生是广东灏瀚科技有限公司的创始人兼首席执行官,同时也是一位连续创业家。他在高科技产业具有超过20年的工作经历,在美国和中国的大型企业以及创业公司都曾工作过。回国之前,周先生在美国学习深造,并在美国IT行业工作了10年。2004年,他创立了灏瀚科技并且使其发展成为一家领先的医疗软件提供商。如今灏瀚科技已经成为一间成熟的企业,他又重新开始创业,在2012年,启动社会教育公司www.see2know.com 。而最近,他正在做一个移动和在线空间的新项目。 欢迎大家加入我们的聊天,听周振忠先生分享他在广州建立公司的经验以及他在创业领域中的计划。

    活动信息 | Event Info

    时间: 2019年7月6日(周六)7:00pm - 9:30pm

    地点: 天河区华强路1号23楼光合社

    语言: 英文

    Time: 6th July, 2019 (Saturday), 7:00pm - 9:30pm

    Address: No.1 Huaqiang Road 23rd Floor, Tianhe, Guangzhou

    Language: English

    活动安排 | Event Agenda

    7:00 pm-7:30 PM 签到 Sign-in

    7:30 pm-8:30 PM 嘉宾访谈、问答环节 Fireside chat, Q&A

    8:15 pm-9:30 PM 自由交流 Networking

    Fees | 费用

    普通门票  60元

    Regular Ticket: 60RMB


    This price includes pizzas, drinks, and other snacks. 

    关于组织方 | About Organizer


    Startup Grind是一个全球性的科技创业社区,由谷歌供能,致力于帮助企业家们相互学习、相互启发和资源交换。我们在超过500个城市,个125国家举办活动,每个月我们都会邀请到当地的企业创始人、创新者、教育者和投资人来参加我们的活动,和大家分享他们的个人故事以及他们在创建公司的道路上所得到的经验和教训。 

    我们每月的炉边访谈、社交活动和年度会议都为大家提供了充足的机会,将那些优秀的初创公司和推动这些公司发展的人们联系在一起,开拓强大的支持网络,建成有意义的关系网和获得未来创业之路的灵感,访谈将通过社交媒体传播到世界各地创业者作为参考。想要了解更多信息,请访问 www.startupgrind.com  或者扫描以下二维码在微信上关注我们(微信号Startupgrind)

    Startup Grind is the largest independent startup community, actively educating, inspiring, and connecting more than 2,000,000 entrepreneurs in over 600 chapters. We nurture startup ecosystems in 125+ countries through events, media, and partnerships with organizations like Google for Startups.

    The cornerstone of our global community is monthly events featuring successful local founders, innovators, educators and investors who share lessons learned on the road to building great companies. Founded in Silicon Valley, Startup Grind has helped millions of entrepreneurs build their businesses, connect with strategic partners, and secure funding.

    Our Values | 价值观


    中国·广州团队 | Guangzhou Team

    Rinchy Teng

    Chapter Director @ Startup Grind GZ

    Javen Cheng

    Chapter Co-director @ Startup Grind GZ

    Mint Pan

    Chapter Co-director @ Startup Grind GZ

    场地合作伙伴 | Partnership


    光合社位于珠江新城 CBD,双地铁线(3、5号线)四地铁站(珠江新城、体育西、五羊邨、杨箕)环绕,交通便利,坐享广州至繁华的办公、商业、政务休闲、娱乐等配套。项目内设有可灵活组合、适应各种规模企业的办公场所,是同片区首创的囊括共享办公、社交平台企业孵化等服务的多元生态空间。  光合社建立了多个人性化的茶水间和休息室等公共空间,24 *灵感不断,给企业员工提供一个康体/读书/品茶/娱乐/头脑风暴的空间。项目配备一级物业管理,7*24安保、每日保洁、即时维修、智能化办公管理等面面俱到,提供办公空间、资源援助和政策支持,为每一个企业个体打好发展的地基。

    合作伙伴 | Partnership

    HP 惠普

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    全球合作伙伴 | Global Partner

    Image result for google for startups

    Google is committed to empowering entrepreneurs around the world through programs, partnerships, and products.

    合作伙伴 | Partnership

    媒体报道 | Press

     TechCrunch: 一个自给自足的创业者的搏击俱乐部

    “One might think of it as an entrepreneurial Elk’s Club or a national, self-sustaining of local affiliate networks … a la Fight Club.”


    “Aimed at creating relationships among entrepreneurs and venture capitalists, angel investors, incubators or just people looking for good ideas.”

    过往嘉宾 | Part of Our Past Speakers

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