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                                                                                                                        Date: 2018.12.15

                                                                                                                    Time: 13:00-17:00 PM

                                                                              Venue: Hangzhou International Talents Entrepreneurship & Innovation Park

                                                                                                         Address: 杭州市西湖区西园八路与三路路口

    Startup To-Gather 

    aims to facilitate startup ecosystem in Hangzhou by bringing startup entrepreneurs, students dreaming to be an entrepreneurs and supporting institutions such as universities and incubators. 

    Our December theme is pitching, naming the event 

    Pitch To-Gather.

    Pitch To-Gather delivers three key values


    Pitching is a skill set, 

    which means it needs to be taught. No matter how good the idea is, if its value is not delivered properly or if the audience is not getting what they want, the idea can never convince the audience.

    We would like to deliver knowledge of how to pitch and what does the audience (investor) want to hear.



    Many people have brilliant ideas but only in their heads. If the idea is not put down into words, it will never become a business.

    We would like to encourage all the entrepreneurs and students dreaming to be entrepreneurs to visualize their idea into the idea canvas, exhibit at the Idea Expo and pitch to the investors and mentors.


    Creating synergy within the startup ecosystem is the key value we would like to deliver. However, it cannot happen by a single side. It needs a cooperation of all the elements of the ecosystem; supporting institutions such as government, universities and incubators, entrepreneurs, startups and students.

    Thus, we would like to provide an open and trustworthy platform where startups and students can share their idea and mentors, investors and entrepreneurs can freely share their feedback and suggestion.


    Pitch To-Gather will consist of three sessions: 

    Keynote Session, Roadshow and Idea Expo

    13:00 - 13:20

    [Welcoming Session]

    Introduction of host, juries and roadshow participants

    13:20 - 13:45

    [The First Keynote] 

    Topic: How to pitch my idea? 

    Speaker: Haylie Wang, President and Founder of Gravitational Field Entrepreneurship Services Ltd.

    13:45 - 14:10

    [The Second Keynote]

    Topic: How do investors evaluate idea?

    Speaker: Tom Zhao, Investment Manager of Liuheqiao Capital

    14:10 - 14:30


    14:30 - 14:45

    [Opening of the Roadshow]

    Speaker: Rita Wang, CEO of SucSEED

    14:45 - 15:50


    Participants: 5 teams

    Rules: 8min pitch/5min Q&A per team

    15:50 - 16:00

    [Award Ceremony]

    16:00 - 17:00

    [Idea Expo & Networking]

    Twenty Idea Canvases will be exhibited.


    Idea Canvas simpler version of business model canvas which helps people to brainstorm their idea and describe in words. 

    Idea Canvas is filled with five key factors that need to be considered before starting a business.

    Idea Expo is pursuing an Open Innovation under a trustworthy platform and mentors from universities and incubators. Participants can freely pitch their idea to the mentors, investors and other participants. 

    Who can participate?

    Any entrepreneurs or who are dreaming to be an entrepreneur can participate. 

    It can be a good starting point for those who are preparing to start their business or early stage startups. 

    Even for matured startups or enterprises, it is a good tool to check their direction or brainstorm their sub-projects.

    What can participants gain?

    There are more than 15 mentors and investors who will give personalized feedback for their idea.

    Moreover, it is a good chance to practice one minute elevator pitch and improve pitching skills by repetitively pitching to diverse audience.

    Even it can be a tool to recruit team members and partners to develop the idea into business. 

    What can mentors, investors and sponsors gain?

    There will be 20 idea canvases from diverse industries and backgrounds. It is a good chance to discover amazing idea and help to grow. 

    Moreover, there will be more than 100 international students from prestigious universities attending so it is a perfect platform to recruit talents with entrepreneurial spirit and promote your company or organization. 

    What should I need to do to participate IDEA EXPO?

    At the bottom of this article, there are two links for the registration: registration for the admission and registration for exhibiting your idea canvas at the Idea Expo. Please click the second link for the Idea Expo Registration.

    Once we receive your registration, we will personally deliver you Idea Canvas on-line to fill in and your Idea Canvas will be printed out at KT board and exhibited at the exhibition hall of the venue. 

    When Idea Expo starts at 4pm after the roadshow, you may stand by your Idea Canvas exhibited and actively pitch your idea to the mentors, investors and other participants. 

    The more active you approach to the mentors and investors, seeking for their feedback, the more you will gain. 


    Hangzhou International Talents 

    Entrepreneurship & Innovation Park


    is located in Zijin Science and Technology Town in Hangzhou, which is the main producing area of advanced equipment manufacturing, information economy, bio medicine and high technology industry of Xihu District.

    Gravitational Field 

    Entrepreneurship Services Ltd. 


    is dedicated to providing the entrepreneurial training, service and investment for startup companies. It includes SucSEED種力圈, Bayan Fund, SEED Community and SucSEED-Campus. It has a large network of innovative entrepreneurial communities and funds around the world. The company helps young people with entrepreneurial dreams to start their careers at low cost, and to help middle and high class who are interested in early-stage investments to participate it in a low risk.

    SucSEED 種力圈 

    has a team of volunteers, mentors and angel investors who are students, entrepreneurs and seasoned executives, coming from the top universities, companies in the world. They share their business and wisdom for startups so as to reduce the risk when scaled.

    Liuheqiao 六合桥

    is a Venture Capital technology company founded in 2003 which focus on the early stage investment, using incubation and services as risk control methods based on more than 10 years science and technology consulting experiences. They have been investing outstanding companies and projects which are in their own incubators to realize independent incubation with self-investment and management. 

    AIF FinTech Incubator (Jianggan) of Zhejiang University

    is the first FinTech incubator in China that integrates strengths from the government, industrial and academic sectors. It was jointly established by Academy of Internet Finance (AIF) of Zhejiang University and Jianggan District Govern- ment of Hangzhou, which aims to push forward the development of FinTech industry. It mainly focuses on incubating and investing in start-ups in the fields of FinTech, big data, artificial intelli- gence, and cloud computing. 

    GSR Ventures 

    is a venture capital firm focused on early-stage technology companies.

    We back entrepreneurs with global ambitions – entrepreneurs building large, disruptive businesses that have the potential to dominate multi-billion dollar markets. We were the first institutional investors in DiDi Chuxing, ele.me, Inke, ofo, Qunar, Shanghai DZH and Xiaohongshu.

    GSR Ventures currently manages about $2 billion in a combination of USD and RMB-denominated funds.

    My Homie 

    is a club for international students studying in China. They have more than 10,000 users from more than 100 universities. They are committed to providing a series of comprehensive services for international students in China in aspects such as life, culture, learning, work as well as building the bridge of the Chinese and foreign youth interaction.

    IDEA association 

    stands for International student Dream Entrepreneurship Association. Our main focus is on helping international students to start their business in China, as well as help them find valuable internship opportunities. We have the support of Zijin Innovation Park, who is providing many different resources to make this happen. Tomorrow we will have our first recruitment event, our aim is to find link minded peers to make this association the best of its kind.


    Hanlyn Wong

    Director of Hangzhou International Talents Entrepreneurship & Innovation Park (Xihu Park)

    - Graduated from Lund University in Sweden

    - Major in Entrepreneurship, New Venture Creation

    - Mentor and consultant for international startups and students

    Haylie Wang

    President and Founder of Gravitational Field Entrepreneurship Services Ltd. 

    - Graduated from the University of Hong Kong.

    - A global market consultant for the world's top 500 and listed companies such as the British Pearson Group, the French CommScope Group

    - A deputy director of market operations and a partner in the global market strategy VP

    - Developed global marketing strategies for a number of well-known technology companies and responsible for consulting and operating the brand's global market development strategy

    Chris Chen

    Founder of Gravitational Field Entrepreneurship Services Ltd. 

    - Guangdong entrepreneurship lecturer in the field of business model deconstruction and construction, angel investment in good projects and project management etc.

    - Years of financial and venture capital industry experience, professional at post-investment management and financial issues.

    - Jointly reviewed over 10,000 startup projects and helped secure tens of millions of financing for many seed projects.

    Rita Wang

    CEO of SucSEED

    - Main field in project business model analysis, enterprise risk assessment and consultation.

    - Entrepreneurship consultant in the field of pre-competition training and simulation of entrepreneurship competition, investors negotiation and communication skills. 

    - Top winner of the global innovation and entrepreneurship competition as a representative of China with the years experience of international entrepreneurship projects

    Tom Zhao

    Investment Manager of Liuheqiao Capital

    - Operation team member of Liuheqiao International Incubator

    - Master degree from Cornell University

    - Bachelor degree from Purdue University, major in Chemical Engineering, minor in Mathematics, Economy and Chemistry 

    Lei Yu 

    Director of AIF FinTech Incubator

    - Director of External Cooperation, Academy of Internet Finance, Zhejiang University.

    - “International Youth Talents Exchange Ambassador" for the Hangzhou youth Talents Workstation.

    Yutong Zhang

    Partner of GSR Ventures

    - Master's degree in Management Science and Engineering from Stanford University, and a bachelor's degree in E.E. from Tsinghua University

    - Main field in the area of early-stage investment in the mobile internet, enterprise service and artificial intelligence sectors

    - Former president of the Chinese Entrepreneur Organization at Stanford

    - Former VP of Operations for Funplus, a global leading social and mobile game company

    - Worked at Samsung Electronics as an engineer

    - Extensive consulting and research experience through advisory work for BDA

    Gaston Mwewa Mpande Chiboko

    Founder of a trade company 


    - Zambian entrepreneur in Hangzhou running trade company called 杭州拾阶进出口有限公司.

    - B.A. at Zhejiang Uniersity of Science and Technology

    - Professional in the field of trade and ecommerce in China

    Izhaar Ali 

    Founder of AlleyWay to China

    Host of podcast 'Oxbridge English’

    - Graduated from the university of Bradford in UK

    - Professional public speaker and public speaking trainer in the field of leadership, top human resources,  motivational speech, improving self-confidence, oral training, public relations speech, medical communication and sales 

    - His company AlleyWay to China, works with 15 hospitals helping expats find care in China. 



    Registration for the Admission Ticket (Free)


    Registration for Idea Expo Exhibition

    (98RMB including one Idea Canvas and one stand)

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    SucSEED-Campus種创社 是種力圈针对大学生创业者的板块,在校创业大学生提供创业教育、创业指导、社会资源和资金支持,让全世界有创新创业梦想的大学生都有机会低成本开创自己的事业,成为未来国际领袖。 目前,SucSEED-Campus種创社已覆盖了国内华南、华北、华东区三大区域,包括北京大学(北)、华南理工大学(广)、南方科技大学(深)、浙江大学(杭)等30所高校,通过ESTI-领导力培养模型,SucSEED-Campus種创社赛事,企业战略实战项目等板块为大学生提供创新创业学习和实践机会。

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